Our Eternal Assignment

Published on 16 August 2022 at 16:27

  Mark 16:15-1 In this scripture we must understand something ,That when become born again we give up our rights wants desires dreams destinies hopes and plans.Because when we become born again we die to what we want our life to be and turnout like. first part is when we are born again and baptized we partake in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ,which was done so that whosoever believes can have eternal life. Our eternal purpose is when after we become new in Christ is to declare the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the nations of the earth. The second thing is and these signs shall follow them that believe meaning the manifestations and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit are to be ministered. The manifestations are the speaking in of new tongues which connects you to the Holy Spirit the Bible says that it is the language only angels understand so that you may be empowered to demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit to cast out devils in his name and with that empowerment nothing by any means shall harm you.and by that the Holy Spirit will keep you safe and empower you to minister the manifestations of the Holy Spirit .Did you know that healing is one of the manifestations of the Holy Spirit ? People ask what is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit?If i walk around in a crowded room and not talk to a soul and never introduce myself to everyone Im just a face in the crowd.But if i stand up and yell out I am Evangelist John Saxburry people will instantly know who i am a manifestation is a public introduction of the Holy Spirit and his works which we must have in our everyday lives so with that being said our eternal assignment is to be born again and be baptized in water then receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit ,and allow him to manifest through us to drawn in the unbeliever the sick the broken the blind the lame the depressed the broken hearted and minister his power so the can be set free by the blood of the lamb so that may run with the fire of Almighty God and declare OH TASTE AND SEE THAT THE LORD IS GOOD AND HIS MERCYS ENDURE FOREVER AND EVER!!!!

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